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For Financial Professional use only.

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Market-Linked Products (MLP)

The following is LPL’s use policy: Material is intended for use with the public / individual investors. These materials have been given an 'Approved As Is' status by Marketing Regulatory Review. For advisors who want to use and/or customize preapproved materials, they must first review the Communications with the Public chapter of the Advisor Compliance Manual. Specifically, the sections on Commonly Used Disclosures and Pre-Approved Communications. There, they will find instructions on how to use the correct Broker-Dealer disclosure, use preapproved materials, and how to meet their Books and Records requirements. Please note, presentations do not contain speaker notes, therefore the approval given is based on the assumption that the verbal presentation will be reading the content from the slides. If additional information is presented, beyond the information provided on the slides, speaker notes must be submitted via ComplianceMAX and additional review is required. As a reminder, prior to sharing this material with individual investors, please refer to LPL’s “Sponsor Materials that Require Branch Approval Only” policy.

MLP Spectrum Brochure MLP Spectrum Video MLP Spectrum Presentation  

MLP Spectrum

MLP Spectrum

MLP Spectrum


MLP Point-to-Point Brochure MLP Contingent Coupon Notes Brochure MLN Autocallable Growth Strategies Brochure MLP Autocallable Brochure


Contingent Coupon
Barrier Note Brochure

MLN Autocallable Growth
Strategies Brochure

MLCD/PPN Autocallable Growth
Strategies Brochure

S&P 500 Underlyer Factsheet S&P 500 Futures SPXFP Index     MLP SP 500 Value Index  MLP SP 500 Equal Weight Index

S&P 500 Index
Factsheet (SPX)

S&P 500 Futures Index
Factsheet (SPXFP)

S&P 500 Value Index
Factsheet (SVX)

S&P 500 Equal Weight
Index Factsheet (SPW)

MLP SPX-RTY Index Factsheet S&P 500 Russell 2000 Nasdaq Index Factsheet (SPX/RTY/NDX): S&P 500/DJIA/Russell 2000 Factsheet  

S&P 500 / Russell 2000
Index Factsheet (SPX/RTY)

S&P 500 / Russell 2000 /
Nasdaq-100 Index
Factsheet (SPX/RTY/NDX)

S&P 500 / DJIA /
Russell 2000 Index
Factsheet (SPX/DJI/RTY)

Russell2000 Index Factsheet  MLP Russell 2000 Value Index MLP RTY/NDX Index  

Russell 2000 Index
Factsheet (RTY)

Russell 2000 Value
Index Factsheet (RUJ)

Russell 2000 / Nasdaq-100
Index Factsheet (RTY/NDX)

DJIA Index Factsheet MLP DJIA RTY Index DJIA Russell 2000 NASDAQ Index Factsheet (DJI/RTY/NDX):  

DJIA Index
Factsheet (DJI)

DJIA / Russell 2000
Index Factsheet (RTY/DJI)

DJIA / Russell 2000 /
Nasdaq-100 Index Factsheet

NASDAQ 100 Index Factsheet NDXT Index EuroStox50 Index Factsheet MSCI EAFE Factsheet

Nasdaq-100 Index
Factsheet (NDX)

Nasdaq Technology Sector
Index Factsheet (NDXT)

EuroStoxx 50 Index
Factsheet (SX5E)

Factsheet (MXEA)

US CPI Urban Consumers NSA Index Factsheet (CPURNSA) QQQ Index    

US CPI Urban
Consumers NSA Index
Factsheet (CPURNSA)

Invesco QQQ Trust, Ser. 1
ETF Factsheet (QQQ)


Client Seminar Kits:

    • Flyer: Description of the seminar

    • Invite: Easily fillable for your seminar time, date and location

    • Presentation: Show on screen in front of your seminar audience

    • Brochure: Leave with your seminar attendees

MLCD Seminar Flyer MLN Seminar Flyer PPN Seminar Flyer MLP Seminar Flyer

MLCD Seminar Kit

MLN Seminar Kit

PPN Seminar Kit

MLP Seminar Kit


Market-Linked CDs (MLCD)

The following materials are intended for use with the public / individual investors. As a reminder, prior to sharing this material with individual investors, please refer to your firm's policy on client communications.

MLCD PDF Overview Brochure MLCD Vid Overview MLCD Pres Overview
MLCD Overview 
MLCD Overview 
MLCD Overview 
FDIC Brochure FDIC Insurance
FDIC Insurance
FDIC Insurance
MLCD Statement Values brochure Statement Values video
MLCD Statement 
Values Brochure
MLCD Statement 
Values Video

Market-Linked Notes (MLN/PPN)

The following materials are intended for use with the public / individual investors. As a reminder, prior to sharing this material with individual investors, please refer to your firm's policy on client communications.

MLN Brochure MLN Overview Video MLN Overview Presentaiton
MLN Overview
MLN Overview
MLN Overview
MLN Buffered Notes Brochure MLN Buffered Notes Video MLN Buffered Notes Presentation MLN Digital Buffered Notes Brochure
Buffered Notes
Buffered Notes
Buffered Notes
Digital Buffered Notes
MLN Statement Values MLN Statement Values Video MLN Dual Directional Brochure
MLN Statement
Values Brochure
MLN Statement
Values Video
MLN Dual Directional
PPN Overview Brochure PPN Overview Video PPN Overview Presentation
PPN Overview
PPN Overview
PPN Overview


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Questions? Contact InspereX RIA Solutions | 561.361.1248 | [email protected]