Eleven Teams, One Company

In celebration of 25 years of Team InspereX, we are excited to launch the 2024 InspereX Olympics!

Get ready to unleash your inner athlete (or enthusiastic goofball) in epic competitions that will test your physical prowess, mental agility, and Team InspereX spirit!

We are excited to kick off the InspereX Season of Giving!  Over the next few weeks, we invite you to join us in making a meaningful impact on our community by participating in the initiatives below aimed at alleviating hardships and giving back during the holiday season.  This is also a great opportunity to coalesce with your InspereX Olympics teammates to do some good as a team and earn some points while you’re at it (details on that at the end of this email…keep reading)!!

Ways You Can Give…

Holiday Food Drive

The holidays can be a challenging time for many families, especially when it comes to putting food on the table. To assist local families, our Delray Beach office will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to Boca Helping Hands.

You can help by either 1) Donating non-perishable food via the box in the large kitchen or 2) Making a Cash Donation via the Boca Helping Hands websiteAdditional details around our food drive can be found here.

  • Not in Delray?  Find your local food bank HERE through Feeding America and make a cash or food donation.

Holiday Toy Drive

Donating toys brings joy to children in need, supports families, teaches generosity, fosters community spirit, and makes a lasting impact.  In Delray, we are once again partnering with the Delray Beach Police Department for their annual toy drive.

You can help by either: 1) Bringing in a new, unwrapped toy (targeted to age 5-16) to the Delray office and dropping it off in the large white gift box at the front desk by December 16th, 2) Ordering an item from the Toy Drive’s Amazon Wish List by December 16th by clicking HERE or  3) Making a cash donation to the toy drive via check or Zelle.  Additional details around our toy drive can be found here.

  • Not in Delray?  Find your local Toys for Tots program HERE through the Marine Corps Reserve.

Adopt a Family Program

The InspereX Delray office has again partnered with the Touch A Heart Foundation to adopt in-need families this holiday season.  As part of this effort, we have received the “wish lists” of holiday gifts and household items from a couple of amazing local families who have fallen on tough times.  In all cases, the family was nominated by a caseworker and vetted by TAH.  Please reach out to the HR team ([email protected]) for more information on adopting a family, or check out available families HERE. 

Submit a Holiday Recipe

‘Tis the season for festive flavors! Share your favorite holiday dish or drink recipe with us by November 29th by sending to [email protected] or posting to your Olympic Teams channel. Pictures are encouraged!  All recipes will be featured in our holiday newsletter (and will be eligible for Olympic points).  Let’s celebrate the holidays together and discover new culinary delights!

Thanksgiving Potluck

Anyone in the Delray office on Thursday, November 21st is welcome to participate in our annual Thanksgiving potluck luncheon!  We’ll provide the bird and some Thanksgiving basics…but in the spirit of the first Thanksgiving, we would appreciate the contributions of one of your family favorites (a veggie, side, salad, dessert, etc.).  Details to follow via a separate email.

We appreciate your generosity this holiday season.  Every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the potential to make a significant difference in someone’s life.

…And What We are Giving You in Return

While donating food, toys, time, and money is an act that greatly benefits our communities and brings joy to families in need, we’re excited to add a little extra incentive this year.  Olympic points are available for participation in each event, and will be awarded as follows:

    • One (1) point will be awarded at the individual level for completing the first four activities listed.  Note that points for the food and toy drives will be awarded based on your participation in the drive and NOT per item donated.
    • Two (2) points will be awarded for participation by participating in a local community event such as a Turkey Trot, serving holiday meals, participating in a holiday parade, etc.  Please submit proof of participation in the event no later than Wednesday, December 4th
    • Each individual may earn a maximum of five (5) individual points across activities.
    • Any team with 80% participation (i.e., 80% of your team members contribute to at least one thing outlined above) will receive an additional 15 points toward their team point balance.

Additionally, later this week, we’ll be sharing details via email around how we’ll be giving you the opportunity to share your InspereX pride.  A pop-up store may be involved.  Keep an eye out!

Questions?  Reach out to the HR Team via your Olympic Teams Channel or by email at [email protected].

Tuesday, 10/29:  Create Your Own Office Supply Monster 

They’re creepy and they’re kooky, they’re…made of paper clips and post-it notes?!?  This is your chance to unleash your inner Dr. Frankenstein and create your own Halloween monster made entirely of office supplies!  Get creative and let your imagination run wild. Once you’ve completed your monster, post a photo to your Olympic Teams channel by 6 PM ET!  Winners will be determined based on creativity, originality, and spookiness. 

Wednesday, 10/30 – Thursday, 10/31:  Desk Decorating

Get your workspace into the Halloween spirit by decorating your desk!  Have a little bit of fun with this and be creative…just be sure that your choices are 1) in the spirit of the holiday 2) not offensive 3) do not interfere with anyone’s (including your own) ability to perform their work.

Decorating can start as early as Wednesday, though judging won’t take place until Thursday, 10/31 at 1:00 PM ET.  Pictures must be submitted by 12:45 PM ET to your Olympic Teams channel and must include a small sign somewhere in the shot that says “InspereX Desk Decorating 2024.”

Thursday, 10/31:  Costume Contest

Dress to impress in your most terrifying, funniest, or most creative Halloween costume! Like with the desk decorations, be sure your choices are 1) not offensive and 2) do not interfere with anyone’s (including your own) ability to perform their work.

Costumes will be judged at the individual level across four categories/divisions:

  1. Best general costume- Delray
  2. Best general costume – Non-Delray
  3. Best InspereX/Industry Themed costume (any location)
  4. Best Team Theme* (3-6 employees max, any location)
    1. *first and second place will be selected in the team theme division, with all members of the first-place team receiving $50 in AMEX gift cards, and all members of the second place team receiving $25 in AMEX gift cards.

Costume pictures must be submitted by 1:30 PM ET to your Olympics Teams channel & include a timestamp or proof showing it was taken on Thursday, 10/31/24. No trying to use an old picture! For those in Delray, we’ll take a group picture at 1:30 PM ET in the large kitchen. Winners will be announced at ~2:00 PM ET.

As a final note, by participating in the above, you are consenting to HR sharing your picture via internal email and/or our Employee Newsletter.   Questions?  Reach out to the HR Team via your Teams Channel or by email at [email protected].  Happy Haunting!!

Upcoming Exciting Events!

  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Minute to Win It
  • and Much More!
Great Connect Winners
  • 1st Place:   LF Gibson, Sergio Soto, John Tolar, Frayser Wall (10 pts per category)
  • Runner-Ups:  John Brillantes, Devin Chiles, Ashleigh Dixon, Jacob McCabe, Josh Robertson, Angela Santos (Tie; 5 pts each)
Torch Relay Winners
  • 1st Place:  Ben Meyer (5 pts)
  • 2nd Place:  Wayne Barrett (4 pts)
  • 3rd Place:  Grisha Shapiyev and Deryk Rhodes (Tie; 3 pts each)

Team Leader Board

Individual Leader Board

Total PtsFull NameTeam NameDepartment
72Lange, JillLos LobosOperations
46Gibson, Laurie FaithThe Death PutsMarketing
44Zapata, DianaThe BullfrogsAccounting
43Filippone, ThomasIbex InnovatorsCDs
41Cox-Davies, DonnaIbex InnovatorsMarketing
41Koudou, SherryBondDogsMLP Internal
41Troadec, AlainIbex InnovatorsDealer Sales
40Benson, ErikBondDogsPS and Ex
40Billings, ChrissyThe Vol SpikersOperations
40Bottom, DavidIbex InnovatorsMLP External
40Brillantes, JohnThe BullfrogsMLP Direct
40Cole, LaurieIbex InnovatorsMLP Direct
40Curran, ScottYield to BallMLP Internal
40Meyer, VickiThe Vol SpikersInstitutional Sales
40Montani, PatrickThe Vol SpikersInstitutional Sales
40Nixon, RobThe Vol SpikersMLP Internal
40Swenson, JohnYield to BallMLP External
40Veerapen, DeniseThe Vol SpikersInfrastructure
39Post, MatthewIbex InnovatorsMLP Internal
38Campos, TracyDesk JockeysDealer Sales
38Holstead, NickThe BullfrogsPlatform Sales and Execution
37Budish, JasonThe Death PutsPS & Ex
37Cagno V, JosephThe Bean Team SixMLP Internal
37DeMarco, LawrenceIbex InnovatorsMLP External
37Jacobs, DentonLos LobosBD Engineering
37Ludwig, NancyThe BullfrogsDealer Sales
37McDermott, BobIbex InnovatorsMLP
37Worlikar, MayuraThe Bean Team SixEngineering
35Whiteley, NickThe Vol SpikersPS & Ex
33Carrels, ChristineThe BullfrogsMarketing
32Blocker, ZachDesk JockeysEngineering
31Soto, SergioIbex InnovatorsInfrastructure
30Rowland, DuncanThe BullfrogsInstitutional Sales
30Tolar, JohnLos LobosFIG Mgmt
29Robertson, JoshHigh YieldersMarketing
29Santos, AngelaThe Death PutsMLP Internal
28Chiles, DevinThe BullfrogsPS & Ex
28Dixon, AshleighBondDogsProduct
27Abel, KevinThe Vol SpikersMLP Internal
27Dulay, JoeCredit CrunchData Engineering
27Llantada, MikelThe Death PutsAccounting
27Smiley, PatriciaHigh YieldersOperations
27Twohill, RobynCredit CrunchOperations
26Abel, CharlesYield to BallMLP Direct
26Shaffer, DJThe Vol SpikersMLP Internal
26Wehmeyer, SaraThe Death PutsHR
25Andreas, MikeThe BullfrogsAgencies
25Bond, JettThe Bean Team SixMLP Internal
25Ditrani, RoccoThe Death PutsInstitutional Sales
25Elliott, LauraYield to BallPartnerships
25Herron, DaveIbex InnovatorsMLP External
25Myers, JakeThe Bean Team SixBD Engineering
25Petterson, AlecHigh YieldersMLP External
25Reichart, MichaelThe Bean Team SixCapital Markets
25Sfiligoj, DanThe Vol SpikersAccounting
25Tonda, JenniferIbex InnovatorsInstitutional Sales
25Tucker, JulianThe Death PutsMLP Direct
25Velazquez, AlinaIbex InnovatorsOperations
25Waber, JodiLos LobosCapital Markets
25Wall, FrayserThe Vol SpikersMLP Internal
23Babik, SeanCredit CrunchMLP External
23Barrett, NilsDesk JockeysInstitutional Sales
23Castaneda, LauraDesk JockeysLegal & Compliance
23Giles, StephenDesk JockeysFIG Mgmt
23Kellerman, TedLos LobosMLP Direct
23Marone, JohnThe Bean Team SixMLP External
23Reilly, MatthewThe BullfrogsMLP Direct
23Rolander, JoeHigh YieldersMLP Internal
23Rothschild, PaulLos LobosMLP Direct
22Cregan, CherylThe Bean Team SixFIG Mgmt
22Daniels, DrewThe Vol SpikersMLP Internal
22Larson, MikeYield to BallPS & Ex
22Paetow, IanLos LobosAgencies
22Piatek, TimThe Vol SpikersMLP Direct
22Powell, TomThe Bean Team SixInstitutional Sales
22Toth, MelissaHigh YieldersRisk Management
20Gamber, ChristopherThe Death PutsMLP Direct
20Larsen, Dan High YieldersInstitutional Sales
20Papagiannis, JimDesk JockeysLegal & Compliance
17Lamo Arbelaez, RafaelYield to BallMLP External
16Rhodes, DerykHigh YieldersMLP
15Gillham, RickThe Death PutsCorp Trading
15Lee, CatherineYield to BallProduct
15McCabe, JacobDesk JockeysMLP Internal
14Deeb, EdwardCredit CrunchCDs
14Photis, JaredThe Bean Team SixDealer Sales
13Noel, VeronicaCredit CrunchMLP Internal
13Simon, De'AndreDesk JockeysMarketing
12Alvarado, OscarThe Bean Team SixInfrastructure
12Berks, JessicaYield to BallAgencies
12Burton, JimBondDogsInstitutional Sales
12Chiera, VinceThe BullfrogsDealer Sales
12Gaydos, MikeBondDogsData Engineering
12Ibrahim, DebCredit CrunchCapital Markets
12Scalise, MickeyYield to BallInfrastructure
10Avery, MichaelBondDogsInstitutional Sales
10Busscher, BradCredit CrunchLegal & Compliance
10Dauzat, StephanThe Death PutsWMS Internal Sales
10Diliberto, DylanDesk JockeysMLP Direct
10Faghani, FahimehHigh YieldersBD Engineering
10Galm, DougLos LobosProduct
10Hoffman, MarkThe BullfrogsInstitutional Sales
10Pierre, FrantzThe Death PutsMLP Internal
10Steighner, FranCredit CrunchInstitutional Sales
7Canfield, DwightThe Death PutsInstitutional Sales
7Krishnaiyer, SahanaThe Death PutsEngineering
7Meyer, BenCredit CrunchInfrastructure
7Scoville, BarryThe Death PutsInstitutional Sales
7Sewall, CaryThe Death PutsInstitutional Sales
5Shapiyev, GrishaIbex InnovatorsData Engineering
4Barrett, WayneLos LobosMLP Internal
3Coates, DanLos LobosMLP External
3Lewis, LorettaThe BullfrogsGeneral Corp
3Stevens, MikeCredit CrunchPreferred Trading
2Cagno, JosephYield to BallCorp Trading
2Deeg, AditiThe Bean Team SixAccounting
2Edney, JacobYield to BallMLP Internal
2Hicks, ReedThe Vol SpikersMLP Internal
2Manning, HollyBondDogsMLP Internal
2Mee, ChristopherThe Bean Team SixMLP
2Nicholson, MarshallBondDogsBondNav
2Schlater, DakotaThe BullfrogsMLP Wholesaled

Challenge Hall of Fame

Moving Olympic Moments


Contact the InspereX HR team at [email protected]